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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Lorain Students

Lorain Borough pupils, winners of the 14th weekly Quizdown, show their victory smiles. Grouped around the mic are, left to right: Sandra Griffith, Charlotte Szelazeck, Donna Holmak, Edward Janosko, Marion Walyko, Barbara Murphy, Thomas Smith, Richard Nau and Richard Mostoller.

Defeated, but still able to "laugh it off" the Riverside pupils, left to right: Carol Zimmerman, Jimmy Albright, Carol Ann Svaboda, Janet Hartman and Carol Grove. In the back row are Richard Hite, Barbara Hindman, Gail Hopfer, Richard Albright and Larry Haynes.

Lorain School will receive an encyclopedia and Riverside a globe. Click on the picture to enlarge it.


Hal Hall said...

Were this photo a year or two later, I would have been in it. I don't recall what grade I was in when I was on Quizdown, but given their schools, these are grade school kids, and I assume they were in sixth grade, the highest grade in their schools.

My family moved from Riverside to Lorain Borough when I was in the middle of sixth grade, so I don't recall which school I was representing at the time.

Having lived in both of these districts, I know some of the kids shown here or their siblings.


Charlotte Szelazeck: I don't know if that's spelled correctly or not, but it's pronounced slay-zack. I knew the two Szelazeck sisters. They lived up the street from me. Charlotte was the elder of the two and later was a drum majorette at Ferndale and one of the prettiest girls in school.

Richard Nau went to my church, Christ E.U.B. in Moxham, but with his being older than I, we weren't close. We were also in the same Boy Scout Troop 38 sponsored by the church but at different times.


Carol Ann Svoboda's younger brother, Fred, was in my class.

Similarly, Richard Hate's younger brother, Paul, was also in my class. Their mother had a candy business, but I never tasted any.

There are others whose names or surnames I recognize but I can't say I knew them.

Of the whole lot, however, was my close neighbor and best buddy at the time until we moved, Gail Hopfer. She played accordion and kept rabbits for pets in a coop in her back yard. The song I remember her playing the most was "Bluebells of Scotland." We played canasta. Our mothers were close, too.

Samantha Shaffer said...

That is amazing photos.