
Friday, August 31, 2018

Tree City

Main Street towards Central Park - you can just barely see the Gap in the far off distance.

Daniel Morrell House- 1889

Daniel Morrell Residence - Main Street - 1889 Flood

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Johnson Company

The Johnson Company Track Welder around 1900.


Nice old ad from Swank's - Downtown Johnstown

Gold Star Mothers - 1951

Officers of American Gold Star Mothers Inc. of Greater Johnstown are shown during the 1951 annual memorial services for deceased members and sons who died or were killed during service with the armed forces.
Shown left to right, are: Seated - Mrs. Leah Anderson, Mrs. Lillymae Casher, Mrs. Curry Coffey, 1951 president; Mrs. Mary Keiper, Mrs. Martha Spalding and Mrs. Jane McCann.
Standing - Mrs. Mary Cole, Mrs. Carrie Acton, Mrs. Florence Hunter, Mrs. Anna McClung, Mrs. Bertha Thomas, Mrs. Gertrude Smay, Mrs. Sara Young, Mrs. Clara Bheam and Mrs. Annie Varner.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Codified Ordinance - 1855

Johnstown Borough - Codified Ordinance - 1855: To make such regulations relative to the accumulations of manure, compost, and the like in barns, stable-yards, and other places, and to prohibit the keeping of hogs within the borough, or within such limits within the same as they may prescribe.

JHS '31

Johnstown High School - 1931 Dance in the gym. Taken from the 1931 JHS Yearbook.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Hairline Beauty Salon - 1975

The Hairline Beauty Salon - 340 Washington Street - 1975

Gigantic War Bonds Premieres - June 1945

Admission at both the Embassy and State by War Bond purchase only. Sponsored by the retail division - Johnstown Chamber of Commerce.

Trolley Time

Roosevelt Blvd and Washington Street with the Stone Bridge in the background.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Indian Motor Cycles

Indian Sales and Service - World's Finest Motorcycles - 57 - 59 Iron Street

Old Fighter

 Eddie McCloskey was not thinking much about politics back in 1910 when he was one of Johnstown's prominent ring artists. Eddie was fairly successful with his mitts but gave up the ring game long ago to enter the dry-cleaning business. Eddie was recently (1953) elected to a second term in City Council.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Hendler Hotel

Hendler Travel Service - Bus Schedule Blotter

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Trolley Time

Main Street - the Kresge's sign is still there. 

Conemaugh Lumber

Conemaugh Lumber, 163 F Street, Johnstown, Pennsylvania

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Central Park

Col. Jacob Campbell Statue - Civil War - Central Park - 1970's

1855 Ordinance

Johnstown Borough - 1855 Codified Ordinance: To prohibit and otherwise regulate the running at large of horses, cattle, sheep, swine, geese, dogs, and other animals, and to authorize their seizure and sale for the benefit of the borough.

Johnstown Planing Mill

Johnstown Planing Mill - Certain-teed Products - Horner Street

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

German Day - 1907

German Day - 1907 at Island Park (where St. Andrews is in Benscreek)

Trolle Time

Broad Street near the current Giant Eagle at the intersection of Fairfield Avenue.

Monday, August 20, 2018

North Fork Dam

North Fork Dam - Johnstown Water Company - Established in 1868


James Jewelers - 1977 Flood 

Friday, August 17, 2018

August 17, 1928 - The Johnstown Democrat

To read the enlarged paper - CLICK HERE.

 Schwartz Rose & Montgomery Ward
Penn Traffic and Sanitary Ice Cream. Obits: J.B. Hecker, Cecelia Wagner, Wilbur Varner, Henry Zinnel, John Spendal, Stephen Chissel, Miss Bess Horne, Vallerie Lachene, Luther Nelson
Weddings: Kane - Stein, Hostetler - Kring
 Glosser Bros
Johnnie Chiodo, Cambria Theatre "The Racket", The Park Theatre - "The Cheer Leader", State Theatre - "The Big City", The Strand - "Saddle Mates" and Harris-Majestic - "White Cargo.
Bumford, Jennings and M'Nulty reunions.
Jacob M'Cartney Sr., Edward Coleman, Gately & Fitzgerald Furniture, Tunnel Smokeless Coal Company, Marriage: Hultgren - Milchak, Maher - Buck, Chalich - Resich, Wagner - Hileman, 13 year old Joseph Hanzel disappears from home, Bernard Lowman.
Miss Florence Bremer, Harvey Barnhart, Modernola Plant, Mendenhall Hospital, Star Fruit Market - Nick Ruby and Miller's Clothing.