
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Unknown Johnstown Church

I know this church was in Johnstown - but when I found this - no name was listed. Looking at the photograph - it seems to me that this is very early turn of the century. And could possibly (a guess at this point) be in Cambria City and possibly maybe be either St. Nicholas (Broad Street) or the first St. Columba (the one that was on Chestnut Street). If anyone out there has a better guess - please let me know.


  1. This photo is of the first St. Columba. It would later become the "now" old school, that until A few years ago house West End Catholic' s grades 6 thru 8. And was then used by ACRP for their alternative program. It now sets empty, and is listed "for sale"!

  2. this is not the first st columbia this is actually the first immaculate conception church and it is also the first church that st stephens rented out. this is the church that the mary statue survived from the first flood with no mud or any damage to her and this statue is still around in resurrection church in the side altar


Please feel free to add your own thoughts.