
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Lovett (Cambria County) Train Accident

Altoona Mirror, Altoona, PA 17 Aug 1904
Four persons were injured in an accident at Lovett (now known as Sidman), on the South Fork Branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at 6 o'clock last evening. They are:
H. C. Myers, of Tyrone, lacerations of the head and abrasions and bruises to hips and the lower part of the body.
William Ellis of Johnstown, lacerations and bruises to his body.
Ismon Johnson, of Saginaw, Mich., hand cut and body bruises.
H. B. Ziegler, of Johnstown, nose cut and body bruises.
Three big steel cars broke away from a freight train and ran down a steep grade crashing into a passenger train, standing in the station at Lovett. In one car were twenty-one traveling salesnue [salesmen]. They were badly shaken up.
The entire train was wrecked. It is said the runaway cars were speeding along at the rate of a mile a minute when they struck the passenger [train].
Myers, at his own request was taken to his home in Tyrone on the Philadelphia express, while the other men were able to continue their journey without assistance.

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