
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

K Street - Morrellville - 1960

This photo was sent in Georgeanne Y. and it shows her father Edward Hanzel standing in front of my house on K Street in 1960. Ed and wife Kitty were very well known around Morrellville. Ed was a mailman and Kitty worked in the kitchen at the old Catholic War Vets Post 954 in Cambria City. Besides being related to me - they were my lifelong neighbors and you couldn't have asked for two better people. If you were lucky enough to know Kitty (McGinty) you knew she was Irish through and through from her love of her hometown of St. Michael to the 'parking for Irish only' sign in their front yard. 

1 comment:

  1. You are now living in the old Heiple residence. I loved those upstairs porches. I do remember Ed & Kitty, Mary Grace, Georgeann & the grandparents who lived next door to them. The Rizzo's used to live on one side of your house and the Varmecky's on the other side. Wow, what a trip down memory lane for me!


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