
Monday, May 20, 2013

Rescued Babe from Fire - Morrellville - 1907

Every old house has a story to tell. If only you can figure it out. I ran across this clipping from The Johnstown Leader by accident. I was just scanning anything interesting I could find and this is one of them.  This happened August 9, 1907 - at 1139 Virginia Avenue - Morrellville at the home of Rollo Herdman. The house next door - owned by James McCloskey also suffered damage.
This 1139 Virginia Avenue now - and as you can tell - this home was rebuilt soon after the blaze. 

1 comment:

  1. When I saw this photo on Facebook I knew it had to be on Virginia Ave. I used to live down the street at 1313 Va Ave. Some nice, big, old Victorian homes on that street.



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