
Monday, October 10, 2011

William Sladki Inducted - 1943

Bill Sladki was in all senses of the word - A True Gentleman. I knew Bill for years - we would talk when he would come down the CFU or CWV when I was a bartender. I also would talk with him - usually in front of his house as he was doing yard work. He was a family friend of my grandfather Walter Lenz (1904-1979). Bill as a very young boy said as soon as he could reach the gas pedal - my grandfather and his buddies drafted him into being their driver so that they hit all the bars in Morrellville.
He told me he once got my grandfathers old Model T stuck in Elk Run - seems the men gave Bill a little too much that night....he also told me how all the men that worked at the butcher shops along Elk Run and the city garbage building (on the bottom of D Street) where my grandfather worked - used to put their beer in the crick to keep it nice and cold. 

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