
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Swank Hardware Building

Swank Hardware Building - Downtown Johnstown


  1. The clock is missing.

  2. The clock is missing.

  3. Such a shame they tore this down for an ugly bank and parking lot. Johnstown tears down all the history instead of fixing it like other cities!

  4. Unfortunately most other cities in America also tear down the older buildings insteat of fixing them. I suppose it's cheaper for the builders. I currently live near Hershey PA and they are going to tear down part of the "old chocolate factory"... so hard to believe another part of history will be gone.

  5. David - Also living near Hershey I agree with the writer above about tearing down pafrt of the "old chocolate factory. I would have thought maybe, just maybe, someone would convert the building into apartments. I think that would have been very cool.

  6. My grandmother was a Swank. She's buried in Grandview Cemetery in Johnstown. I now live in California, and have never visited Johnstown, but I hope to someday.


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