
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Jazz along the River - St. Mary's

Another summer of Jazz along the River at St. Mary's kicked off. RJ enjoying his supper.
The kids loves pierogies...
My favorites...
Work on the Minersville Bridge continues.
We always have to feed the ducks and geese.
They were so cute.....
Chilling out and listening to the music. I have to say - that this was by far the most interesting Jazz along the River I have ever been to. The Aspen Water Group who want to build a Marcellus Shell waste water plant here were having a meeting in the old rectory. Amongst them - were some Native American tribe members from Canada. I am the kind of person that people always come up to and tell me their life it was no surprise when a couple of tribal members including the Chief struck up a conversation with me. They want to do the same thing - back on their lands in Canada.
The funniest part - and I mean no disrepect - considering the amount of time I spend here honoring indian sites....but seeing indians in braided hair - with a plate full of pierogies and pigs in the blanket enjoying their first taste of what most of us take for granted - was funny. And the best part - one of the younger ones - came up to me - eating a gob and asked "have you ever tied one of these's called - oh what's the name again" and I said "you mean a gob" - he said "yes - I've never had anything like this before and they are wonderful". I laughed to myself as he was walking away with a Giant Eagle bag full of them. Who knew - that pierogies and gobs could help forge the bonds of international friendship! Maybe Johnstown is on to something - maybe next time a company has tough contract talks - just bring out a plate of gobs and everybody will leave happy.


  1. I enjoy this site as a former area resident. I especially appreciated the information on one of the first known "free" black men in the Johnstown area, I didn't know that!
    Great site!


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