
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

No trick on this Halloween - only a treat - Downtown Johnstown in all it's glory. Call me nuts - but sometimes I sit and think about what it would be like if Glossers and Gee Bee were still open - because if they were - I would still be working for Data Consultants and my life would be completely different.

Would Glossers have walk-in deals on things like the latest iPad - buy one and get one half off and while you wait - go get yourself a bag of roasted peanuts - because you were simply helpless against the enticing aroma - being drawn there against your will.... What kind of flat-screen HD TV display would Gee Bee have set up - I could see them having a row of second-rate tablet computers all lined up along a wall - with all the harsh lighting they had - bright enough to land aircraft.

I just want to jump inside the computer and walk along these streets...look inside the store windows...hear the traffic and car horns and music coming out from the car radios...follow behind people and listen to all the different kinds of conversations they are having....for instance the day this shot was taken - what were people most concerned about....I want to stop in some of the clubs and bars that used to call the downtown home - being a former bartender - I love how the old equipment looked and worked...I want to hop on a streetcar and take a tour of Johnstown....I want to hit the inside of every store and stop off at Tops Diner for a snack....I want to spend an afternoon at the old library - with the wooden floors and dusty smells coming from all the book shelves....and finally I would have my camera with me along with a 64GB card - because I would have to take a picture of every single store inside and finish my step back in time. But now it's time to take the streetcar back to reality.....but I can still wish and daydream about the city I call home.


  1. You really captured how a lot of us feel when we look at this picture! I always regret not taking pictures back then. What was I thinking?

  2. Definitely one of your best ever.

  3. I would love to do the same thing. Can you imagine standing in line for peanuts? That's downtown to me. During the Halloween Parade I noticed how dark (no lights!) downtown really is. Such a disgrace. It could still be something if we would have ever had good leadership in the city and from our Congressman.

  4. Oh yes,,,,,Stop at Tops and get a plate of fries with gravy over half and vinegar over the other half.

  5. After looking at the photo again, Main Street looks like it goes on forever. I would love to walk into Grant's and check out the 45's. As I recall in the early 70s they were only 69 cents. Let's see go pick up the new Three Dog Night single and have lunch then brouse around Glossers, Penn Traffic and oh yeah stop into Woolworth's too. Wish there was a time machine too.

  6. I would love to do the same thing. Glosser's still had the best cashews ever. Too bad the malls and Wal Mart killed downtown stores in a lot of places.

  7. With Brian talking about the old 45's, it reminding me that some of your viewers may not be aware that George's Song Shop that is still located downtown is the oldest record shop in the US.

  8. He's always treated me well and has a great reputation. If I had some extra cash I would go crazy in that store. When I was a kid I never set foot in his store. I don't remember why....although I always bought 45s at department stores. He's a downtown tradition to be sure. If you look closely his store is on the left side of this picture.

  9. Brian, I quit going into his song shop years ago. I got 2 defective 45's and he wouldn't replace them and I had a receipt. He blamed my needle. So, I took my business to NRM at the Richland Mall.

  10. You're right. I forgot he did that to me before too. How did I forget about that? He also wouldn't take back a warped 45 that I picked up once. Okay maybe it wasn't always what I remembered. Sometimes it takes someone to open up a locked door in your mind. I never had a problem at Grants, Woolworths, Penn Traffic or Glosser's when I bought music back in the early 70s. Even Weiser's had some vinyl.

  11. I never had any problems with vinyl at Glosser's. What I did like about buying music at Glosser's, they never asked for ID when I bought something with Parental Advisory when I was under 18. I went to this sweet old lady that just rang it up w/o asking.

  12. David - What I loved and most remember about Glosser's was the escalator(only one in town)... would always try to run down it(remember it only went up) before anyone would get on to come up... and of course who could forget the window paintings at Halloween and the displays at Christmas!! I miss J-town in the 60's

  13. David - Found this photo again... one of my favorites. Must have been a Monday or Thursday evening when town was open until 9PM. I can still remember in 68, I had a white mustang that when I would drive the downtown circuit all the multi-colored lights would reflect off the hood of my car. It looked really cool.


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