
Saturday, January 26, 2013


Alwines - Old Somerset Pike 


  1. OMG!!! I have such fond memories of this place as a young child! My Mom used to take us there to get ice cream called, "I can lick a tiger tiger"! It was orange and black striped and I think it was a promotion with a gasoline company esp. the one on the corner of Fairfield and D Street...Riekings I believe. I know the building is gone but still can't place it on the Pike. Anyone know exactly where it was. I was a pretty young pup at the time!

  2. I never through I would see this picture. What wonderful memories. My parents would take my Grandparents there on Sunday for ice cream or supper. I am so glad I can show it to my wife. I am stuck in Knoxville TN due to disabilities, thus this is the only way to show my wife my home, is by the pictures that are posted on this site.

    Prof. Jake Trexel

  3. I remember going here as a child though I don't think it was often. I'm fairly certain it wasn't much more than a mile or two past FUN CITY POOL...

  4. Will always remember going there with my parents back in the 50s and early 60s. Wish it was still there. Yes, it was not far past fun city.

  5. The orange and black icecream Darcy Is thinking of was a promotion for the Gulf Service Station in Benscreek. They used to say put a tiger in your tank.

  6. Ah, yes Alwine's. Not far from Benscreek- south on old US219(PA985)toward Somerset. Similar to Weller's in Richland and later
    the Valley Dairy. I remember it in the early 60's. Oh, the "Tiger in your tank" was the ESSO's theme.
    Gulf was "Good Gulf".

  7. Alwine's was great. Went to school with David and remember he, and his sister, were amature ventriloquist. Anyway, loved that ice cream. That was the destination the first time I was allowed to borrow the family car. Always a great place to meet up with friends. Guess we thought it would last forever along with trolley cars,movie theaters,parades with fire trucks and boy and girl scouts and the Ferndale Firemans Jubillee. Now I sound like my grandpap! Thanks for the memories.
    Karen Lehman Kelley


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