
Sunday, April 14, 2013

G.A.R. Hall - Downtown Johnstown

Spent a wonderful afternoon on a tour of the old G.A.R. (Grand Army of the Republic) Hall in Downtown Johnstown - courtesy of our guides - Randy and Christine Beisel. 
I walk to town a lot and have always admired the variety of historical items in the basement windows of the hall - Christine does a wonderful job.
Original light fixtures
The railing is also original
Heading inside to the secretary area for the offices of the lawyers. There are a couple of relic display cases set up on the first floor.
Items Christine saved from an old downtown hotel
Heading up to the second floor - RJ getting to touch his first actual Civil War rifle
Checking out the sword rack

The gem of their collection - an actual Confederate flag bought at auction - to add to the collection on the second floor
Sword Rack
Photo album
Randy Beisel showing RJ an actual Civil War sword
The Snavely family donated this panorama built by their dad
All hand painted....

Medical canteen

Members of the post - taken at a meeting in Philadelphia
Heading upstairs now - to the actual meeting hall area
Original gas light fixture
Original woodwork
Peep hole door
This piano was built around 1865
and as you can hear - still plays
Back hallway
Looking back towards the way we came into the room. Again - I can't thank Christine and Randy Beisel  enough for the wonderful tour. I've always wanted to see inside the building and it's even better than I imagined and they deserve all the praise I can give them for saving the history of our area - one piece at a time.


  1. Thanks for an interesting posting of Johnstown's history.

  2. This is very interesting. I never knew the place existed. How is one to get a tour? My son would just love this.

  3. This is amazing! I never knew that the G.A.R. had any collection of memorabilia at all, let alone such an extensive one. Are any descendants of Charles Zimmerman, Jr. (1837--1899) members of the G.A.R.?

  4. I am racking my mind trying to figure out where this is. I am thinking Park Place downtown. The building looks so familiar. What a great place though. I want to check this place out when I get back in town. Great job Lisa.


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