
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Baumer Street Playground

Another great repeat shot - Baumer Street Playground - it's been a while since I posted this. I'm working on a possible special project and would like some input from you - the reader - because I want it to be different. I asked this question on the Vintage Johnstown Facebook Page. So I am asking it again here. So what pictures and stories do you enjoy the most on this site? For those of you still in town - what modern groups or organizations do you think truly make a difference to our community? Was there a special person like a teacher who by going the extra mile - made a difference in your life? Do you have a famous relative in your family from Johntown?
It's things like this I am looking for - you can either comment here or send me an email at


  1. My faves are the pics of downtown storefronts from post WWII to the flood Main, Market, Washington, Clinton, Bedford Walnut -- All of 'em... Neighborhood shots are good, especially with people and cars so you can see the fashions of the time ... Those streetcar and trolly shots are great too!

  2. Wow, I couldnt have said it better then what Fred V. said. I love seeing all the old stores and how busy and vibrant downtown used to be compared to today. Also, having grown up in Morrellville I love any old pics from that area. Fairfield ave, Strayer st. Old Garfield pics also.

  3. I love seeing the oldest pictures. It's very interesting and usually sad as we'll to see the people and the living conditions way back then. I learn a lot from your blog!


Please feel free to add your own thoughts.