The Johnstown Tribune - November 21, 1942
March to Victory:
Thomas Daniver, Ed Kavanaugh, David Horner, Joe Mesoros, Ed Moll, Robert Chilcott, Joe Bubenko, Louis Hrkman, Jesse McCullough, Edgar Hess, Tom Whinnie, Alex Fesko, Frank Fink, Joe Waligora, Leo Schompert, Lou Skufca, Joe Eckenrod, Joe Pallagi, Floyd Calhoun, Mike Sowolla, Clarence Hildebrand, Bennie Marsh, Joe Homza, Wayne Davis, Ed Finley, Peter Dayok, Frank Kovalchic, Francis McCreary, Jack Calabrase, Stan Stupsky, James Miller Jr., Francis Buige, Roland Anodide, Norman Joseph, Forest Shoemaker, James Alexander Jr., Ed Zoricak, Leo hahn, Alton Weaver, Sam Manganello, Rose Rishell, Robert New, Lawrence Dunmyer, G.G. Ripple, Rich Parker, Walter Ford, Squire Moody Jr., Jim Flick, Lou Zandy, Walt Botteicher, Chester Crookshank, Ken Evans, Ed Pullin, John Stehnach, Francis Sestrich, Joe Hilands, Bernard Critican, Pete Michnya, Charles Raymond, James Drummer, Charles Derevjanik, Joe Keytack, George Leffler, John Honchar, George Cooper, Corp. John Hudacek, Pvt. Roy Gerken, Pvt. Ferris Mostoller, Pfc. Robert Sumrada, Pvt. Clyde Burkhart, Sgt. Theodore Krupnak Jr. and Sgt. Earl Mowery
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