
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Park Avenue School - Moxham

Another fine old picture from Don and Darlene Costlow - showing her 3rd or 4th grade class photo on the playground of the old Park Avenue School in Moxham. This was taken around 1947 or 1948.


  1. This was Miss Stewart's 4th grade class the spring of 1949. Those who continued to JHS will be celebrating their 60th reunion the weekend of July 22nd, 2017 at the Solomon Run Fire Hall.

  2. I remember Miss Stewart back in '60. When I first got enrolled there the school made arraingements to have our picture taken for the paper because I had a twin sister and I guess everyone thought it would be cute or something. The really funny thing about it was we were both on a see-saw, I was facing the camera but Donna wasn't so they took it with just the back of her head. She got razzed pretty good for a while about that. Met my first best friend there too. We were all of 5 then, 62 now and can still remember most of it. Too bad it got torn down. I'm sure they could have come up with some use for it, it was a solid brick building like the old Swanks. I'm sure it didn't go down easy. Another typical waste.

  3. I had Miss Stewart back in 1960 for kindergarten. Very nice lady.


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