
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

I took this Browns Farm in Lower Yoder - one of the earliest African-American settlements in this part of Western Pennsylvania. This Thanksgiving I am thankful for the work ethic that was handed down to me from my parents and grandparents. My grandmother worked at Bestform till she was 80 and would have worked longer - but they closed the plant down before she was done working.

I believe in Johnstown with my whole heart and I don't say that lightly - given the fact that I am one of the millions that lost a good paying job this year. New company takes over and the old workers are tossed out the door. It happens everyday and I am hardly the exception. But I'm glad it happened - because now even though I am poorer - I am much happier and there is a lot to be said for the power of happiness. I have learned so much being on the other end of things trying to find a full-time job (I have a part-time job - but I need something more). There are people out there that can't fill out a job application because they don't know how to read, people who can't pass a simple drug test - let alone have the staying power to get up each day and show up for work. And don't get me started on the welfare folks who sit on their asses all day - collecting money from all of us.

Sure there are plenty of problems in this area - but we are facing nothing more here than other towns all across the nation. I hold no illusions about the past - even though I dearly love history. If you had a sheet of paper and drew a line down the middle - you could list all that is wrong with Johnstown - but on the other side - you could also list all that is right.

Our ancestors had one thing in common - whether rich or poor - the had enough 'human spirit' within themselves - that unknown and unseen force that kept them going and helped keep this city alive for decades. I believe that same 'spirit' still lives within those of us that still believe and love the city we call home. You can give me a thousand reasons why Johnstown is in the shape that it is in - I'm not stupid and nor blind to the facts. But you have to admit that there is indeed something very special about our area - that folks miss when they leave - something you can't put into words....

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all the wonderful memories you provide for us folks that had to leave Johnstown for one reason or another. I'm sorry about your job. Hope things will get better for you, and hope you had a Great Thanksgiving.


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