
Saturday, February 28, 2015

M. Kisslak - General Grocer

Reader Mike Mertle sent in this rare gem. You are looking at a picture of Michael Kesslak on the right and two unknown people taken at 211 Chestnut Street in Cambria City around 1895. They are all standing in front of his shop. Mike asks that if anyone might recognize the other two men to let us know. He thinks they are either Kesslek's or Gilbert's. Michael Kesslak was married to a Gilbert from Browntown. 
Note the spelling in the window, by the 1920's - it was spelt with an "e". There is also a Family window in St. Mary/Immaculate Conception. 
I have to say that it's rare that a picture moves me as much as this one. The courage it took for the man in the middle to go on after such a devastating injury....let alone the pain he must have had for the rest of his life....what a truly amazing man!

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