
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Our Flag Still Waves

What a great crowd at the War Memorial for the premiere of the new Sgt. Michael Strank documentary - honoring one of Franklin's finest on the 70th Anniversary of the Flag Raising on Iwo Jima. The folks at Wix Pix along the Veterans Memorial Monument, Inc., Conemaugh Valley Veterans, Franklin VFW and Marine Corps League Detactment #287 came up with a plan to erect the Strank Monument in Franklin and also pooled their resources to make the documentary possible.
Sorry for the quality of the video - I was having some camera issues....but I think this will give you some idea of just how many Johnstown folks showed up in the middle of a snow storm. Here is a clip from the new documentary. Speaking is Sgt. Strank's sister - Mary.
For more on the project just go to

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