
Thursday, May 7, 2015

70th Anniversary - May 7, 1945: Germans Announce Surrender But Confirmation Is Withheld Still Fighting in Czecho-Slovakia

This is a rare treat - a complete paper - The Johnstown Tribune - May 7, 1945 packed full of news and names....names and even more names Given the large amount of people mentioned - I only included the ones that are most important - so it might be worth your while to go thru every sheet. Though will celebrate the 70th Anniversary of VE Day on May 8th. Over in Europe - today is considered their VE Day. 
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Pfc. Joseph Paluch, Fred Krieger, Pvt. Emory Stockberger, Pfc. Clarence Nagle, Gerald Page and Anna Rankin, Neff the Magician.
Pfc. Andy Marcus
Louis Von Lunen (water lines - 17th Ward), George Gocher (flowers stolen from grave at Grandview), Bicycle race from Johnstown to Benscreek, Field Day at Southmont School, Maytime Festival, Pigeon Race from Ohio to Johnstown, Cpl. David Thomas, Lt. James Custer, Cpl. Frank Kovalchik, Pfc. Irvin Schnek - MIA, Jean An Bridges.
Tech Sgt. Joseph Siplivy, Tech Sgt. John Donahue
Mrs. Minnie Overdorff, Robert Havyer, Nancy Kennedy, D.C. Smith, Charles Held, Walter Myers, Roberta Wentz, Mrs. Freda Helsel, Paul Holtzman, Pvt. Irvin March, Pvt. Stephen Farr, Pfc. Paul Howard, Pfc. Donald Kamler, Cpl. James Hillegas, Pvt. Joseph Domenick, Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Florence Mennett, Sgt. Verna Grape, Edward M. Burns, Noah Carter, Roy Lee Baxter, Andrew Tomchik, Ralph Craig, Frank Compel.
Cpl. James Hillegas, Mrs. William Pringle, Cpl. Jess Chapman
Obits: June Wagner, Marcus Oppenhelmer, Gary Motter, Mrs. Maria Salas, Mrs. Emma Ritter, Mrs. Janet Llewellyn, Mrs. Marie Conzo, John Abler, Frank Murray, Henry Maust, Stephen Hudak, Mrs. Bertha McCloskey, Mrs. Rhuea Hartmann, Frances Ambroe, Emil Tacik, Mrs. Martha Griffith, Mrs. Clara Denning, Samuel Caldwell, Mrs. Laura Lybarger, William McCool, Charles Wister Irvin, Mrs. Mary Hughes, Emma Neilson, George Dively, Mrs. Mary Barbarich, Mrs. Thomas Cullen, Mrs. Frank Stokes.
Birth Notes: 
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Samo - son Micheal George
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Dunn - daughter
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Golian - daughter
Mr. & Mrs. John Wojnarowski - son
Aviation Cadet & Mrs. Robert Stutzman - son
Mr. & Mrs. Oswald Holtz - daughter
Master Sgt. & Mrs. Irwin Goldberg - daughter
Mr. & Mrs. William Quarles
Mr. & Mrs. E. Marshall Griffith - daughter
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fern - daughter
Mr. & Mrs. Bert Johnston - daughter
Mr. & Mrs. Daphon Fronzoli - son
Petty Officer & Mrs. Isadore Misler - son
Mr. & Mrs. John Kolesko - son
Sgt. & Mrs. Stewart McConville - daughter
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Sablotski - son
Other Names:
Mrs. Amelia (Parks) Martinez
Seaman First Class William Snyder - MIA
Staff Sgt. John Kushner, Staff Sgt. Mike Urda, G.A.R. Group to meet
Mrs. Blanche Donahey, Robert Thomas Reed Jr., Margaret Stevens, Frances Itell, William Thom, Arthur Speedy
James Henry Kent, Nelson Remson, George Lape, Fireman William Roberts, Fire Chief John Moran, Charles W. Snyder, Cpl. Frank Verhovsek, John Hughes, Miss Beatrice Miller, William Jannick, James Pearson, Karl Stremel, Charles Restivo, August Febbe, David Gottdeiner, Edward Meredith, Pfc. Andrew Mayko, Pvt. Raymond Rhue, Pvt. Joseph Best, Pfc. Robert Pinkett, William Snyder, Pfc. Joseph Paluch, Pfc. Clarence Nagle, Ensign Robert McFarland, Vincent Stefanini

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