
Saturday, February 13, 2016

February 13, 1945: Big Three Sound Nazis' Doom And Pledge World Secure Peace

The Johnstown Tribune - February 13, 1945
To read larger  - CLICK HERE.
Pfc. Thomas Cooney
Pfc. Thomas Lilly
Pvt. Charles Hoffman
Pvt. Wildred Becker
Sgt. Bruce Powell
Lt. Burdette Launtz
John Deist
First Lt. Lucian Bifano
Sgt. Vernon Fowler
Cpl. Clyde Shaffer
Sgt. Michael Vasas
Sgt. Roy Kerr
Cpl. Francis Miller
Pfc. Anthony Kasterko
Pfc. Paul Ryan
Cpl. George Semelsberger
Pfc. William Chappel
Marine Sgt. John Ewtuchovich
Tech. Sgt. Mike Stopa
Staff Sgt. Herbert Staff
Second Lt. Joseph Konder
Second Lt. Don Westover
Staff Sgt. John Rzaza
Pvt. Paul Garland
Lt. Wayne Wolfe
Pfc. William Weaver
Pfc. Charles Bader
Pfc. And Berkoski
Second Lt. Clayton Dovey
Pfc. John Salonchok
Cpl. S.H. Teitelbaum
Sgt. Joseph Tomaszewski
Lt. Mike Krekosky
Keystone Class of the Hooversville Church
Stephen Havrillak
Grace Lutheran Church
Birth Notes:
Pfc. & Mrs. Robert Stallings - daughter
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barbarich - twins - son and daughter
Mr. & Mrs. Harry McCreery - daughter - Caroline Frances
Pfc. & Mrs. D.B. Levergood - son - William Leland
Mr. & Mrs. John Belz - son
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Partsch - daughter
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Deffenbaugh - daughter

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