
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Football - 1906 Style

This grim group of football players answered a challenge of a South Fork eleven and organized for one game with just a week's notice back in 1906. They defeated South Fork and won a side bet of $3,000 ($75 Grand). The picture was taken in front of the old armory of Company H, 5th Regiment, National Guard, across from the Point Stadium where Suppes Motor Company now is located.

Members of the Collegians (left to right) are: First Row - Mike Holzman, Sil O'Connell, George Raab, Ed Yeckley, Miller and Ray Replogle.
Back Row: Ross, Tom Nokes, Harrison unidentified, Ralph Waring, McGee, Hecker, Wormell, Frank Baumer and Harry Cramer.

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