
Thursday, March 31, 2016

March 31, 1945: The Johnstown Tribune

The Johnstown Tribune - March 31, 1945
To read larger - CLICK HERE.
** Iwo Jima Flag Raiser - Michael Strank Marine - Killed
Rose Metsek
S.J. Conway
Sgt. Peter Ambrose
Cpl. Leslie Spring
Pfc. Thomas Hammond Jr.
First Lt. David O'Shell
Pfc. William Haupt
Staff Sgt. John Kolesar
First Lt. John Mugridge
Master Sgt. Samuel Christner
Lt, Wayne Spangler
Sgt. John Beck
Pfc. Leonard Greenaway
Pfc. Richard Knauss
Lysle Fleming
Pfc. Harold Hoover
Second Lt. William Mitchell
Pfc. Douglas Devaux
Cpl. Dale Custer
Sgt. Frank Landis
Tech. Sgt. Donald Weber
Pvt. Edward Walz
Cpl. William Benschoff
Pvt. Robert Basore
Sgt. Freeman Carelti
Maj. Marshall Mumaw
Sgt. Joseph Roman
Pfc. Harry Webb
Gladys Wright - Charles Kimmel
Difenderfer - Yeckley
Pfc. H.E. Cain
Pfc. Charles Bendzak
Cpl. Oscar Lewis
Pvt. Robert Lower
Pvt. James Smith
Pfc. Andrew Sekerak
Sgt. Frank Pytel
John Elder
Camden Imhoff Jr.
Peter Zapp
Paul DeDea
Miss Genevieve Cook
Robert Grimm
Cornelius - Cipriani
Pfc. Thomas Paff
St. Nicholas Church - Cambria City
Lloyd Engle
Pvt. Michael Maceyak
Pvt. Floyd Calhoun
Pvt. Roy Heitzenrater
Sgt. John Smickle
Pvt. Clyde Fry
Pfc. Alfred Todeschi
Pfc. Roy Pile

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