Saturday, February 28, 2015
February 29, 1944: American Dive-Bombers Pound Air Fields at Rome
The Johnstown Tribune - Febuary 29, 1944
1944 was a leap year.
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February 28, 1944: Sharp Increase in Fighting South of Rome Is Reported
The Johnstown Tribune - February 28, 1944
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Local Names:
Janet Parks
Mrs. Henrietta Samuels
Mrs. Olga Eckstine
M. Kisslak - General Grocer
Reader Mike Mertle sent in this rare gem. You are looking at a picture of Michael Kesslak on the right and two unknown people taken at 211 Chestnut Street in Cambria City around 1895. They are all standing in front of his shop. Mike asks that if anyone might recognize the other two men to let us know. He thinks they are either Kesslek's or Gilbert's. Michael Kesslak was married to a Gilbert from Browntown.
Note the spelling in the window, by the 1920's - it was spelt with an "e". There is also a Family window in St. Mary/Immaculate Conception.
I have to say that it's rare that a picture moves me as much as this one. The courage it took for the man in the middle to go on after such a devastating injury....let alone the pain he must have had for the rest of his life....what a truly amazing man!
Friday, February 27, 2015
Thursday, February 26, 2015
February 26, 1944: U.S. Air Forces Down 142 German Planes; Day's Bag
The Johnstown Tribune - February 26. 1944
To read larger - CLICK HERE.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
February 25, 1944: Senate, Like House, Votes To Override Tax Bill Veto
The Johnstown Tribune - February 25, 1944
To read larger - CLICK HERE.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
February 24, 1944: Huge U.S. Bomber Fleets Tangle With Luftwaffe
The Johnstown Tribune - February 24, 1944
To read larger - CLICK HERE.
Monday, February 23, 2015
February 23, 1944: Barkely Resigns Senate Leadership in Tax Break
The Johnstown Tribune - February 23, 1944
To read larger - CLICK HERE.
February 23, 1945
The most famous picture to come out of World War II or any war for that matter - taken by photographer Joe Rosenthal on Iwo Jima on this date 70 years ago today - February 23, 1945.
The front four are - left to right: Ira Hayes, Franklin Sousley, John Bradley, Harlon Block.
The back two are Sgt. Michael Strank (behind Sousley) and Rene Gagnon (behind Bradley).
Strank, Block and Sousley would die shortly after this picture was taken. Bradley, Hayes and Gagnon went on to become national heroes with weeks.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Our Flag Still Waves
What a great crowd at the War Memorial for the premiere of the new Sgt. Michael Strank documentary - honoring one of Franklin's finest on the 70th Anniversary of the Flag Raising on Iwo Jima. The folks at Wix Pix along the Veterans Memorial Monument, Inc., Conemaugh Valley Veterans, Franklin VFW and Marine Corps League Detactment #287 came up with a plan to erect the Strank Monument in Franklin and also pooled their resources to make the documentary possible.
Sorry for the quality of the video - I was having some camera issues....but I think this will give you some idea of just how many Johnstown folks showed up in the middle of a snow storm. Here is a clip from the new documentary. Speaking is Sgt. Strank's sister - Mary.
For more on the project just go to
Saturday, February 21, 2015
February 21, 1944: Hirohito Fires Army, Navy Chiefs
The Johnstown Tribune - February 21, 1944
To read larger - CLICK HERE.
James Downey
Frederick Haer
Richard Martin
Walter Johns
Mrs. Catherine Stolz
Mrs. Helen Kelley
Mrs. Mary Riehl
George Davis
Robert Anderson
Miss Helen Mae Crum
Joseph Myers
Mrs. Clara Pavlik
Mrs. George Amigh
Mrs. Margaret Flynn
John Broberg
Charles Wright
George Haney
Mrs. Mary Donalik