Today is for those of you out of town readers that miss all the natural beauty the Alleghenies can offer. This is my beloved Browns Farm - an early African-American settlement in Lower Yoder Township. Thanks to family and friends - we have been restoring the cemetery to it's natural beauty.
Two Black Civil War Veterans - John Smith and John Brown are buried here - along with members of their families - there is also an African-American Revolutionary War Veteran - Edinbourgh Smith buried somewhere in the cemetery.
John Smith - USCT - 3rd Regiment. As you can see - some of his flowers are still there. I have to say - that the deer hardly bothered any of the flowers that we planted. There are well over 70 - if not more - adults and children buried here.
John Brown - Co. H - 4th Pa. Cav.
The place is haunted in more ways than I care to explain.
It's sacred ground - wish the kids that like to party there understood that. I'm keeping the flag up a couple more weeks - then I will be decorating the place for Christmas.
This is a place called "Top of the World" and when you are there - it does seem like that. Off in the distance - in the center - is where Garfield is.
It's just beautiful up there - also another popular party spot for the kids.
Off in the distance is Minersville and Cambria City.
Ran across this little guy up there.
RJ enjoying the sunshine - sitting on the small wall he built.
Part of the high tension line - saw a small black snake - which is a lot better than finding a large rattlesnake...
This is the small dam the Tremont Club built for the kids to go fishing on Gray Run.
All the rest are from this very peaceful spot.
And this concludes your brief tour of the mountains I call home.