Was this camp always YWCA? I vaguely remember from my early (10-12) years (I'm 63) going to a Camp Reynolds. I don't remember whether it was YMCA, Boys&Girls Club, etc. I remember the camp had cabins, which slept I THINK 6 boys, and the camp was divided into junior and senior divisions.
I'm 62 and lived in Westmont and remember going to Camp Reynolds. I still have a couple of the swimming ribbons I won swimming in the river. Hated it at the time; but love the memories (including drinking "bug juice". It was the first time I ever saw fly paper!
I thought it was run by the YMCA, but I spent a week there during a couple of summers in the 57-59 era, and I remember bug juice, a moo juice, of course.......I just mentioned the juices and the camp to a childhood friend from Westmont. What was the creek or river that we went swimming in? We lived at 1622 Menoher B;vd, next to Stutzman school, where I attended. The house we rented then is now a funera;l home where they laid out John Murtha and Stutzman was demolished about a year ago to make way for a new CVS pharmacy.
Unfortunately there seems to be very little on line about the camp. It was my very first summer camp in 1953 at age 10 and I called the town of Entriken - Enstriken.
I grew up in the area and have no idea where this would have been in the Entriken area (Leaving in 1973). For one the waters of both the old Raystown branch thru the area and the lake waters are a 2-3 miles from Entriken. My cousin was friends of a family that lived along the river by the Entriken bridge crossing the Raystown branch and I would go ther often with him and play hide and seek in the corns fields on the farm at the end of the road there ( in front of the Tatman boat launch area). All info I have researched show Camp Reynolds (YWCA) being in Johnstown not Entriken. There is a YMCA camp in the town of Reinolds PA. If there was a YMCA camp in the Entriken area no one I know knew of it or it was named something different. Indians guides in the area ??? NOT LOL!!!
i also lived in Westmont at 802 Franco Ave. off of Sunnehanna Drive. I went to YMCA Camp Reynolds in about 1955. I too remember bug juice and the cabins. I learned to swim before I went there at the Y in Johnstown. I graduated from Westmont in 1961 and went to Dickinson College graduating in 1965. Then 5 years in the Navy and on to Law School. I have lived and worked in New York City since getting out of the Navy. I have been amazed to watch Johnstown go downhill over the years. the population was about 60,000 in the 1950s and is now just under 20,000. I was in Johnstown about 4 years ago and it was dismal. Also, the NY Times ran a story a few months ago about Johnstown and had an interview with the owner of Miller's clothing store. I actually bought things at Millers. But nice to remember those days in the 1950s. Growing up there was really fun.
Well, Just like every place, each town has its heyday, an ebb & a flow, good times and bad. Even though nothing lasts forever,we always have our "good old days" memories of stores, clubs, schools & holidays (especially before the flood). I will remember Glosser's, Woolworth's, Penn Traffic, Gee Bees, Clark's corner store, Stutzman school, Westwood Dairy Queen,Bethco Pines, and all the beautiful holiday memories spent with my family. Time to make new memories with new family members. I love my hometown, and always will.
I reported in 2017 about using the term Enstriken when it was actually Entriken. That was the PO that no longer exits but the zip code still does. When we sent postcards to home while staying at Camp Reynolds. I remember cabins of 4 on the perimeter of pretty much a large field with trees on the perimeter. I will have to look for photos. At now approaching age 82, that was 70 years ago in 1954 because as a Boy Scout I then had the very next week at Camp Whisawonic at age 12.
I was wondering where this was located and what if anything is there now?
Nope. Flooded it for the lake.
Raystown. I swim in that creek a couple of times Y-Indian Guides.
It was a great place.
Was this camp always YWCA? I vaguely remember from my early (10-12) years (I'm 63) going to a Camp Reynolds. I don't remember whether it was YMCA, Boys&Girls Club, etc. I remember the camp had cabins, which slept I THINK 6 boys, and the camp was divided into junior and senior divisions.
I'm 62 and lived in Westmont and remember going to Camp Reynolds. I still have a couple of the swimming ribbons I won swimming in the river. Hated it at the time; but love the memories (including drinking "bug juice". It was the first time I ever saw fly paper!
I thought it was run by the YMCA, but I spent a week there during a couple of summers in the 57-59 era, and I remember bug juice, a moo juice, of course.......I just mentioned the juices and the camp to a childhood friend from Westmont. What was the creek or river that we went swimming in? We lived at 1622 Menoher B;vd, next to Stutzman school, where I attended. The house we rented then is now a funera;l home where they laid out John Murtha and Stutzman was demolished about a year ago to make way for a new CVS pharmacy.
Unfortunately there seems to be very little on line about the camp. It was my very first summer camp in 1953 at age 10 and I called the town of Entriken - Enstriken.
I grew up in the area and have no idea where this would have been in the Entriken area (Leaving in 1973). For one the waters of both the old Raystown branch thru the area and the lake waters are a 2-3 miles from Entriken. My cousin was friends of a family that lived along the river by the Entriken bridge crossing the Raystown branch and I would go ther often with him and play hide and seek in the corns fields on the farm at the end of the road there ( in front of the Tatman boat launch area). All info I have researched show Camp Reynolds (YWCA) being in Johnstown not Entriken. There is a YMCA camp in the town of Reinolds PA. If there was a YMCA camp in the Entriken area no one I know knew of it or it was named something different. Indians guides in the area ??? NOT LOL!!!
i also lived in Westmont at 802 Franco Ave. off of Sunnehanna Drive. I went to YMCA Camp Reynolds in about 1955. I too remember bug juice and the cabins. I learned to swim before I went there at the Y in Johnstown. I graduated from Westmont in 1961 and went to Dickinson College graduating in 1965. Then 5 years in the Navy and on to Law School. I have lived and worked in New York City since getting out of the Navy. I have been amazed to watch Johnstown go downhill over the years. the population was about 60,000 in the 1950s and is now just under 20,000. I was in Johnstown about 4 years ago and it was dismal. Also, the NY Times ran a story a few months ago about Johnstown and had an interview with the owner of Miller's clothing store. I actually bought things at Millers. But nice to remember those days in the 1950s. Growing up there was really fun.
Well, Just like every place, each town has its heyday, an ebb & a flow, good times and bad. Even though nothing lasts forever,we always have our "good old days" memories of stores, clubs, schools & holidays (especially before the flood). I will remember Glosser's, Woolworth's, Penn Traffic, Gee Bees, Clark's corner store, Stutzman school, Westwood Dairy Queen,Bethco Pines, and all the beautiful holiday memories spent with my family. Time to make new memories with new family members. I love my hometown, and always will.
I reported in 2017 about using the term Enstriken when it was actually Entriken. That was the PO that no longer exits but the zip code still does. When we sent postcards to home while staying at Camp Reynolds. I remember cabins of 4 on the perimeter of pretty much a large field with trees on the perimeter. I will have to look for photos. At now approaching age 82, that was 70 years ago in 1954 because as a Boy Scout I then had the very next week at Camp Whisawonic at age 12.
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