Reader Steve Dixon sent in this picture of his GG-Grandfather William Horace Rose (center), Johnstown's first mayor (after the Great Flood), and his sons, Horace Ramsey Rose (top left), Winter Rose (top right), Percy Rose (bottom left) and Forest Rose (bottom right). I believe the picture was taken around 1910. Rose was a Johnstown attorney, as were his sons, Horace, Percy and Forest Rose. W. Horace Rose was the Adjutant of the 54th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War and served in the Pennsylvania state legislature.
The man in the middle in the front resemble Donald Sutherland.
I ran across this posting while Googling William Horace Rose II, my father. I have that very photograph hanging on my wall. My grandfather was Winter Rose. I think that makes me Steve Dixon's second cousin once-removed! Thanks for the posting, Mary Rose Webster, Binghamton, New York
Hello Mary Rose Webster! Your father was the WH Rose who was a law professor at Ohio State University? I went to the University of Virginia law school as did your father. Please send me a note @ stdixon01@gmail.com.
My mother, Nellie (Kozel/Koziol) Micik worked as a housemaid at Percy Rose's home on Main Street in the mid-1930s. She was there during the 1936 flood. Those years formed some of her happiest memories; she worked with a housekeeper named Clara and a chauffeur named Malcolm (I think). I believe the Percy Rose house was the Knights of Columbus house (across from the Library) and is now a restaurant/caterer?
I manage the business located at the Rose home on Main Street. It is owned by our sons restaurant and the venue is called the main event a banquet and wedding facility. Dmcutch@hotmail.com
We do give tours of the home. I’ve been trying to research who designed the house built in 1894.
My mother was Lois Rose, she passed in 2013. She said that William Horace Rose was my great great great Uncle so we are related in some way. My grandmother was Lois Rose which my mother's name was also Lois Rose.
Hello my name is Eileen Ellenberger. My mother was Lois Jean Rose she passed in 2013. Her mother's name was Lois Rose also. I was told by all of my family that William Horace arose is my great great great Uncle. My email is eileenlovesnate@gmail.com. I'd love to learn more about my family history and how we are related. Please email me. Kindly, Eileen.
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