The home of Redi Kilowatt - The Penelec Electric Demonstration Center in Downtown Johnstown. Redi was everywhere - and I can remember going to cooking demonstrations at the building that replaced this one on Broad Street. I always went with my mother - so it must have been some kind of mother/daughter thing through the school - because there were other mother/daughters there. The teacher would cook something up - so along with a bag of Redi Kilowatt toys - we'd all get to eat. Unfortunately the lessons were lost on me - much like an omelet sliding off a Teflon pan - I am an expert at the fine art of begging for leftovers. This was the building on Vine Street.
I probably collected 3 or 4 Redi pins (always in bright red) from various tours of Penelec as as Girl Scout and grad schooler.
I believe that this building was at the top of Vine Street.
It's "Reddy Kilowatt"--created for the Alabama Power Company in the 1920's and franchised to other electric utilities (including the one serving pre-Castro Cuba, where he was known as "Callisto Kilowatt")
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