I have been struggling for the right words to explain the simple beauty of this picture. The first thing I thought of when I saw this....the smell of roasting peanuts and popcorn. Then bargain bins, the bright, overhead lighting, floors chocked full of everything you could think of, having to put a dime in the restroom door, Johnny Carson suits, mood rings, sticking your feet in the machine that x rayed them - then having an salesperson actually wait on you, the old Glosser bags, the toy department on the 4th floor and finally when you were all done...waiting for the bus along the side - full of packages and snacks.
If any of you reading this have any more photo's of Glosser's inside or out - please let me know. This shot is courtesy of JAHA.
Please lets not forget Glossers cafeteria and the delicious hot fudge sundaes they served
I absolutely love this picture. It brings back so many wonderful memories of Christmas shopping downtown. I grew up in Johnstown during the 50s and 60s, and have been gone since the mid-70s, but still think of it as "home." Thanks for this site, it means a lot to those of us who cherish our Johnstown child-and-early-adulthoods.
-Harriet (Redick) Mayes
WOW !! I love looking ad vintage pictures from home. It brings back so many great memories. Not only of Glosser's at Christmas but the Halloween windows and the 4th of July sidewalk sales (bought my little cobalt cannon there). Let'a also not forget the animated Christmas windows at Penn Traffic.
This must be the last Christmas photo before the 1977 flood and the closing of Glossers.
My grandmother and I would go to the Glosser basement, buy cherries for .10/lb and go to Central Park and feed the pigeons
What great memories,!
...and don't forget the water fountain by the elevators on the first floor complete with elevator operators! In the middle of the first floor to the right of the escalator was the snack bar. Going further to the right from there were the grocery registers and at the wall was the place you could check the packages you brought in from other stores. How about the car giveaway? Remember them?
The couple in the front facing Glosser's are my parents; Richard & Elsie Craig of Brownstown.
I love this picture.
That is my parents, Richard and Elsie Craig. They were from Brownstown
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