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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saturday Sparkler - 1915

Here is your February 27, 1915 edition of the Saturday Sparkler. A Johnstown newspaper I have never heard of. Lots of names and locations thru the many pages
Magyar - Paul Hornick and Peter Carpenter on this page along with reports from the Western Front
Joseph Moore writes about his travels in the War Zone
Here - an article on Miss Olive Probert and her family
Lorain Steel and John Kingston - Meat Market
My favorite page - Morrellville Woman Identified as Lady Caught by the Camera in Front of Nathan's Store - Miss Blanche Willett - 149 Barron Avenue - Wins Toilet Accessories at Young's Pharmacy.
Too many names to mention along with Goldschmidt Bros - One Price Clothing
Young's Drug Store - Franklin Street
More from the Western Front
Dentist Dr. Robert Stringer and an interesting article on the tree plantings in old Westmont
Restaurant Ice House Fire
Saturday Sparkler - Come, Join The Five-Cent Circulation and Get Your Money's Worth

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