The home of Redi Kilowatt - The Penelec Electric Demonstration Center in downtown Johnstown. Redi was everywhere - and I can remember going to cooking demonstrations at the building that replaced this one on Broad Street. I always went with my mother - so it must have been some kind of mother/daughter thing thru the school - because there were other mother/daughters there. The teacher would cook something up - so along with a bag of Redi Kilowatt toys - we'd all get to eat. Unfortunately the lessons were lost on me - much like an omelet sliding off a teflon pan - I am an expert at the fine art of begging for leftovers. This was the building on Vine Street.
Was this building on Vine Street?
Reddy Kilowatt was created for the Alabama Power Company, and licensed to other electrical utilities...including the one in pre-Castro Cuba, who called him "Callisto Kilowatt"
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