On this day of the transfer of the Cambria City churches - thought I'd take the time to take a look back to September 2009 and some of the shots I took that day. These are of Immaculate Conception.
This next set is from St. Casimir.
These next two are the only ones I have of St. Columba - I was having a bit of camera trouble that day.

You're invited for this very momentous event today at Immaculate Conception on Broad Street at noon. There will be a "Transfer Ceremony" to mark the change of ownership of the 3 closed Cambria City Churches (St. Columba, St. Cashmir, Immaculate Conception) from the Altoona Johnstown Diocese to The Steeples Project. A sad end of an era with the loss of these parishes, but a brighter future to know the buildings have been saved and much hard work is ongoing to reuse these buildings and keep them as a very big part of our economy and our history. Once known that these parishes would merge, Save Our Steeples emerged to work toward saving the structures. So here we are-at another crossroads-at another beginning. We will celebrate this on Wednesday with some music and ringing of the church bells at noon. Please stop by if you can to be part of this event together with our groups Save Our Steeples and The Steeples Project.