Reader D. WMS - sent in the following updated information in regards to this picture I posted from Morrellville - since I wasn't sure were it exactly was taken: "That location looks like it is in front of Bheam School on J Street at edge of playground facing Fairfield Avenue. Those two houses in the background are the giveaway. That '57 Ford (upper right of photo) is in the process of turning left onto Fairfield Avenue. Also that 2nd house in background with the long porch is across the street from H&B's Pennzoil."
That location looks like it is in front of Bheam School on J. Street at edge of playground facing Fairfield Ave. Those two houses in the background are the giveaway. That '57 Ford (upper right of photo) is in the process of turning left onto Fairfield Ave. Also that 2nd house in background with the long porch is across the street from H&B's Pennzoil.
BTW that house (on left) with the long porch (was across from Penzoil)is no longer there. And the first house has an addition added to the front (that is why it looks like it is set back from the road,because it is, the addition brings it to the sidewalk) that is/was a Hair Salon.
The teacher is Miss Peg Frankosky.
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