More on German Day - 1904 - sent in by reader Mike Mertle - for Part 9 - CLICK HERE. Officials and Members of Barbarossa Castle.
F.W. Meyer - Job Printer, Ed. Overdorff - Contractor and Builder, Thos. J. Apryle - Watchmaker and Jeweler, Wm. B. Waters & Bro. - Booksellers and Stationers, Wm. H. Raab & Bro. - Printers, Adam Huebner - Maple Hotel
History of the German Men's Chorus
Geschichte des Deutschen Mannerchors
Officials and Members of Kickenpawling Tribe
Cresson Springs Brewing
Eugene Zimmerman - Livery and Boarding Stables, John Heilman - German Day Address, Palace Steam Laundry - Franklin Street and Wm. A. Zipf - Baker and Confectioner - Washington Street
L.A. Sible & Co. - Druggists - 225 Broad Street, Julius Wild - Chairman, Hotel Maneval - Clinton Street and Updegrave - Eye Specialists - Main Street
Walters & Decker - Plumbers, Royal Bar and Cafe - M. Fitzharris - Main Street, Vowinkel & McGuin - Whiskey - Walnut Grove
History of the German Men's Chorus
Geschichte des Deutschen Mannerchors
Officials and Members of Kickenpawling Tribe
Cresson Springs Brewing
Eugene Zimmerman - Livery and Boarding Stables, John Heilman - German Day Address, Palace Steam Laundry - Franklin Street and Wm. A. Zipf - Baker and Confectioner - Washington Street
L.A. Sible & Co. - Druggists - 225 Broad Street, Julius Wild - Chairman, Hotel Maneval - Clinton Street and Updegrave - Eye Specialists - Main Street
Walters & Decker - Plumbers, Royal Bar and Cafe - M. Fitzharris - Main Street, Vowinkel & McGuin - Whiskey - Walnut Grove
Geo. E. Young - German Apothecary and Bernet & Co. - Main Street
Duquesne Beer - Northcraft, Bloch & Co. - Clinton Street, Walter Hahn - Meats and Canned Goods - Bedford Street and Consumers Ice Co.
Penn Traffic Co. - Washington and Market Streets
1 comment:
Nice to see the ad from my great-grandfather's jewelry store! I believe Apryle's still has his watch repairman's desk.
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