Nice photo of Romper Room sent in by reader Lanny V. the retired chief videographer. (Lisa - I can tell you that some of the props are probably still around the building most likely in the basement - which we call the broadcast museum. This is the studio that the news is currently done in. so much has changed in the decades since. Especially when it comes to cameras and their size. Our new studio cameras - are the size of the viewfinders on the big box cameras. And the newer ones - soon to make their debut are even smaller.)
I was actually invited to be on the show ... wow ... memories...
I was on the show the last year it aired :( I was called back for the following year. But the came out and told us Miss Mary wasn't able to do the show and it was being canceled. I remember crying for days.
It was my dog that knocked her over that they had to cut to commercial because she fell over backward and her undergarments were exposed.
Sadly, I can report that the Romper Room set has now been thrown out. It was tossed last fall during a clean sweep of the station along with a bunch of old equipment and commercial tapes.
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